Welcome to the most comprehensive Joyo clone list on the internet by Guitar Pick Zone. Joyo is possibly one of the world’s top guitar pedal clone companies from China. I have been using and testingJoyopedals since 2014 and I can safely say that I am besotted over these cloned pedals and have them on my pedalboard over their expensive counterparts.
The reason I choose Joyo clone pedals to be on my board is that they’re cheap enough for me to step on them like I don’t care, which Is what happens with regular gigging, touring, and practicing. However, despite their cheap price, the sound they deliver is as good as the originals in which they are cloned.
For that reason, It is hard to ignore the vast Joyo range of pedals. I’d like to discuss each Joyo pedal along with the respective pedal on which they are based. And, I want to see how these Joyo clones stand up to the originals.
Joyo is constantly adding new ranges and products to its lineup of pedals. However, they have 3 main pedal series which have been around for a while now. These three ranges (or “series”) of pedals include the:
For the purposes of this clone list, I will be discussing only the 10 and 30 series of pedals. The reason I haven’t included the Iron Man series is that these mini pedals are supposed to hold their own. And whilst they very well may be clones, I’m much more equipped to discuss the 10 and 30 series.
Because I know for sure that they are clones. And, I own as well as used extensively, these two series of pedals. Okay, I changed my mind. After much deliberation and debate with myself. I have decided to add the Ironman series of pedals to this Joyo pedal clone list.
The reason I did so is that there are quite a number of these pedals that are actually clones. However, to be fair, there are also a decent amount of Joyo ironman pedals that are originals and not copies or clones. But you can see for yourself when you get to that part.
Advantages Of Joyo Pedals:
The price point on these pedals when compared to the originals they are cloned after is fantastic
They’re built well are are pretty rugged. My Joyo clone pedals have already endured years of abuse and still function perfectly.
Most of the Joyo clone pedals are True Bypass, with the exception of a few of the amp simulators.
Joyo is an already-established Chinese clone pedal brand and they’ve been around for quite some time. As a result, we can see their pedals hold up well
This Joyo Vintage Overdrive is probably the most famous and widely talked about clone pedal. The reason is that it delivers such a magnificent tone exceptionally reminiscent of the TS808. I continue to use this pedal extensively. It is one of the best clones of the Ibanez tube screamer around. Does it hold up to the original? Most definitely it does. In fact, I know some guitarists who actually prefer this to the original tube screamers. The Joyo vintage overdrive is also featured as number 1 on my list of best pedals under 50 dollars.
Check out the video below which does an awesome vintage overdrive pedal vs tube screamer shootout.
This is the second most famous Joyo clone pedal. In my opinion, it is the Vintage OD above along with this Joyo Ultimate Drive from which the solid reputation for these pedals was derived. This Joyo Ultimate Drive is an incredible clone of the Fulltone OCD pedal. The OCD is as good as it gets for light to mild drive tones.
Fulltone OCD vs Joyo Ultimate Drive
The Ultimate Drive delivers very, very close tones to the original pedal. The Vintage Drive along with the Ultimate Drive from Joyo make up the main “dirt” section of my pedalboard. Mooer Audio does a great version of this pedal. Read more about the Mooer here.
Joyo Crunch Distortion Clone Of MI Audio Crunch Box
When it comes to crunch pedals, there are very few as sought after as the Crunch Box by MI Audio. However, these pedals often come at a higher price. Luckily, the Joyo Crunch Distortion is a fantastic substitute for the Crunch Box. The Joyo Crunch Distortion is a great pedal for those crunchy rhythm parts.
Joyo High Gain Distortion Clone Of Marshall Shredmaster
The Marshall Shredmaster is a discontinued pedal originally from the 1980s. This high-gain distortion pedal is best used to take a clean amplifier and deliver a distortion sound, with that classic Marshall-esque tones. I’m not very well equipped knowledge-wise in the world of high-gain pedals. However, from what I understand, the Joyo High Gain Distortion is a great clone of the Marshall Shredmaster.
This is one of 3 Ibanez pedals cloned by Joyo. The name of this pedal is the Classic Chorus and that is very fitting. The reason it is fitting is due to the fact that it is quite literally based/cloned off the classic chorus pedal made by Ibanez in the form of the CS-9. The Joyo classic chorus delivers a very close chorus tone to its original. The only downside is that it is enclosed in a bigger casing. The original Ibanez CS-9 has been discontinued for quite some time. But, Ibanez has reissued this CS-9 (along with some other classic pedals) in a mini enclosure, still keeping the legendary tones from the vintage models. The Ibanez chorus pictured above is the new, mini CS-9.
The MXR Phase 90 is an absolutely iconic guitar effects pedal. Not only is it iconic but it has also been featured on some classic records and used by guitarists such as Eddie Van Halen. The Joyo Vintage phase is a clone of this MXR phase 90 and will give you anything from mild phase all the way to over-the-top Van Halen out-of-phase goodness.
This Joyo Classic Flanger is the 3rd and final Ibanez clone on this list. As I’ve already mentioned, the Ibanez classic pedals are some of the most famous and the vintage ones command a lot of money. Luckily for us, Joyo produces a perfect clone of this classic flanger sound.
Joyo Tremolo Pedal Review: Clone Of Diaz Tremodillo
This is one of the few Joyo clone pedals that is not an exact clone of the original. I can confirm that the Joyo Tremolo is indeed a clone of the Diaz Tremodillo. But, let’s look at the original first and see how the Joyo clone differs. Essentially the Diaz Tremodillo is a high-end tremolo pedal that emulates the famous tremolo from Fender Amps. It is the size of a normal stompbox but features two switches. Much like that of the footswitches from the Fender amps used to control the Tremolo effect.
The Joyo tremolo differs in that it only features the switch which engages the effect. Unfortunately, it does not have the speed control switch as the original tremodillo does. Having said that, you can still achieve tones very similar to the Tremodillo.
Here we have yet another clone of a classic MXR pedal. This time we have the Joyo Dynamic Compressor which is a clone of the MXR Dyna Comp. The Dyna comp is one of my favorite pedals of all time with its simple design but awesome sound. This Joyo Compressor is also a rare example as being one of the few clone pedals to not be identically designed to the original.
Joyo Compressor vs MXR Dyna Comp
The MXR Dyna Comp has only two controls which let you play around with the level as well as the sensitivity of the compressor effect. The Joyo, on the other hand, features an extra control knob that lets you control the attack. Some might consider this to be an upgrade to the original. I’d be reluctant to say that is better than the Dyna Comp because I love the Dyna so much. But it gets pretty darn close. And with the extra control, it’s hard to ignore the versatility. If you’re really looking for a great compressor pedal, check out the T-Rex Comp pedal
It’s no surprise that the MXR pedals are cloned so much. The reason is that MXR makes some of the top mass-produced pedals in the world. Here, Joyo has cloned their famous 6-band EQ stompbox. In pretty much the exact identical form. There’s not much to say in terms of comparing these two pedals as they both achieve pretty much exactly the same thing. Some, however, might say that the MXR is sturdier and will last longer. Which is something I would tend to agree with. Having said that, this pedal has been on my board for just under 2 years now and still holds up perfectly.
The Joyo Voodoo Octave is pretty much a direct clone of the Fulltone Ultimate Octave. The Ultimate Octave is out of production (please tell me if I am wrong about this). The Fulltone version is sought after and is another classic pedal. The Voodoo Octave by Joyo is a clone that will more than suffice. And will fill the void of those wishing they had a Fulltone Octave., One thing to note about both these pedals is that the names could be quite misleading. Whilst providing an octave function switch, it is actually an Octave Fuzz. Both also have a mid-cut switch which is a nifty feature.
Joyo Extreme Metal Review: Clone Of EHX Metal Muff
Looking closely at the Joyo Extreme Metal, it is quite easy to see that this is pretty much a very close copy of the EHX Metal Muff. The Joyo is enclosed in a smaller casing which could be considered a good thing for many. Both the Joyo Extreme Metal as well as the EHX Metal Muff feature an epic Boost switch which allows you to add more “tops” to your guitar sound. Allowing you to cut through the mix.
This is a new tuner pedal to the 10 series. Before this power tune, there was another tuner pedal which is now discontinued. That discontinued Joy tuner pedal was a clone of the Korg Pitchblack tuner.
However, this new Power Tune is a fantastic original tuner pedal introduced by Joyo. Not only does this pedal tune, but it can also be used as a power supply to power the rest of your pedals all within this one unit. The Power tune has 6 100mA outputs and 2 500mA outputs. Many other pedal companies make a tuner with a power output that can be daisy-chained. However, I’ve yet to see one like this Joyo Power tune where it has its own power outputs.
The Joyo Digital delay is not a direct clone of any specific pedal. However, one thing about the Joyo digital delay is that a filter within the circuit of the pedal has been designed in such a way as to replicate that of an analog delay. Perhaps this is one of those few Joyo pedals that were designed to be unique and be their own thing. Unfortunately, this delay, along with the other Joyo delay pedals, does not come with a tap tempo function.
Joyo Tai Chi Overdrive Review: Clone Of The Zen Drive??
I ask the question above, rather than stating that this is an actual clone. The reason is that no such confirmation points in the direction that this is a Zen Drive Clone. The Zen Drive is an OD pedal that produces a “Creamy” tone. And whilst the Tai Chi does something similar, they’re still pretty different in their tonal characteristics. The Graphics on the Tai Chi would lead anyone to believe that this is a Zen Drive because the Zen Drive has similar graphics. One thing that is for sure, however, is that this Joyo Tai Chi pedal was designed for a Japanese guitar player as his signature pedal.
So, with that in mind, it wouldn’t be unrealistic to assume that the Tai Chi could be based on the Zen Drive but has been tweaked to the signature guitarists liking and tastes. I have found that this Tai Chi is quite a temperamental pedal. What I mean by this, is that you really have to tweak to both the guitar you’re using as well as the amp you’re using. I found that the Tai Chi sounded much better on guitars with single coil pickups as opposed to those with humbuckers. However, I’m sure you’d be able to dial in a tone with this pedal for your beloved Humbuckers.
Amp Simulator/Preamps
Part of this 10 Series by Joyo, are some amp simulator clones. The originals are made by Tech 21 Sansamp. Who are well known for their amp simulation and preamps. These Joyo’s are great clones of these Tech 21 amp sims. They can also be used in multiple ways. Firstly you can use them as a normal stompbox to achieve the tones of your favorite amps. Secondly, you can use these as a preamp straight into a PA system. And lastly, you can use these as a preamp for recording purposes.
These hold up exceptionally well to the originals and the sound quality is amazing. Another great feature of these Joyo amp simulators is that each of them achieves the tone of a specific classic amp. But, they don’t only achieve one tone. In fact, these pedals each have a “Voice” knob which lets you set a wide spectrum of classic amp sounds per pedal. For example, the Vox simulator can get tones of an AC15, Ac30, and higher gain Vox tones all from one pedal. The clones of these simulators are as follows:
Joyo AC Tone Review: Clone Of SansAmp Tech 21 Liverpool
This pedal gives you a full range of Vox tones. Essentially it is meant to give you the sound of an AC30. But you can achieve anything from AC15 to high-gain Vox tones. As well as of course, the Classic, sparkly Vox AC30 tones. There are a vast amount of ac tone settings that you’ll be able to see when you read the ac tone manual.
Joyo American Sound Review: Clone Of SansAmp Tech 21 Blonde
This Joyo American sound is a clone of the Tech 21 Blonde amp simulator. The Blonde refers to the 1957-era Fender Tweed amps. This Joyo sim achieves the tweed sound exceptionally well. But you can also achieve Deluxe Reverb types tones or a Fender Princeton tone by playing with the voice knob.
Joyo California Sound Review: Clone Of SansAmp Tech 21 California
The “California” in the name refers to Mesa Boogie amplification. Joyo does a great clone of the Tech 21 Sansamp California in the form of the Joyo California Sound. Both these pedals will allow you to achieve anything from the classic Mk5 tones to the higher gain tones that Mesa Boogie is so very well known for.
Joyo British Sound Review: Clone Of SansAmp Tech 21 British
“British” in the name of both the Joyo and SanAmp amp sim refers to the Marshall amps from Milton Keynes, UK. With both of these pedals, you can use the voice knob to get a range of tones from Plexi to JCM800 and anything in between.
Joyo Roll Boost Review: Clone Of MI Audio Boost And Buff/MXR Micro Amp
When I initially saw the Joyo Roll Boost, I was convinced that it was a clone of the MXR Micro Amp. However, I was wrong. In fact, the Joyo Roll Boost is a clone of the MI Audio Boost and Buff pedal. Which is actually very similar to the MXR Micro Amp. It is important to note that the Roll Boost is not a clone of the new MI Audio Boost and Buffs. But, rather it is a clone of the older versions which featured only the gain control. Just like the Roll Boost by Joyo does.
These are great boosts to help you cut through the mix. Or to be used to push the front of your guitar amp. For more on this, check out Guitar Boost pedals for solos. However, this MI Audio boost is no longer in production so for the purposes of the next closest thing, let’s just say it is an MXR Micro Amp. Because they’re so darn similar!
Joyo Hot Plexi Review: Clone Of Carl Martin Plexitone
Indeed, the Joyo Hot Plexi is a Clone of the Plexitone by Carl Martin. However, many people are confused about this. Because they often think about the big plexitone that Carl Martin produces. And not the small, stompbox-sized Plexitone. I must admit, I was also confused at first. But to clear it up, essentially the Hot Plexi Clones the Plexitone which is a stompbox used to recreate the tones of the legendary Plexi Amplifier by Marshall.
Joyo Pocket Metal Review: Clone Of EHX Pocket Muff
Differences are easy to come by when comparing these two pedals. Whilst it is confirmed that the Joyo Pocket metal is a clone of the EHX Pocket Muff, they are a little different in design. The sounds are quite similar, however, the Joyo Pocket metal has a mid knob whereas the EHX Pocket Muff has a “Scoop” switch which has three toggles: Hi, Lo & Off. The word “Scoop” refers to the midrange. Furthermore, it refers to the range of the midrange.
For example, Hi midrange scoop means there are no mids. So, on the Joyo version, to achieve this you’d essentially turn down the mid controls. So overall these two pedals are very similar. It is just the Mid knob that is different on the Joyo compared to the Mid toggle switch on the EHX pocket muff.
There is no confirmation of the Joyo Analog delay being a clone of anything. However, I strongly believe that this Joyo Analog delay is a clone of the legendary Ibanez Ad-9 (the pink one). While the Joyo Analog delay will never be the Ibanez, it still gives you that mellow delay tone very reminiscent of the Ibanez AD-9 analog delay. Tell me that I’m wrong, but this has to the Ibanez clone! I can achieve a similar delay with my Boss DD7.
Joyo Analog Delay vs Carbon Copy
Whilst it is widely agreed that the analog delay by Joyo is not a clone of anything. It is often compared to the MXR carbon copy delay pedal. Usually as a budget alternative. The Carbon Copy is a far superior pedal. But for a simple delay, this analog delay does a very good job indeed
Apparently, the Joyo AB switch is a clone of the Fender Micro ABY switch. However, I tend to find this very hard to believe. Mainly due to the fact that this Joyo pedal is an AB switch whereas the Fender Micro is an ABY switch. Therefore the fender gives you an extra Y switch to use. Which, unfortunately, the Joyo does not. In my opinion, the Joyo A/B switch is more of a clone of the Boss A/B switch. However, that is just a matter of opinion. If you’re wondering how the Joyo A/B switch holds up to the Fender and The Boss. You can rest assured that the Joyo will give you a perfect switch that will function just as well as original pedals of the same kind on the market.
Chorus pedals are one of my favorite effects, And, the original Boss CE-2 happens to be my favorite of all chorus sounds. However, they’re hard to come by as the original CE-2’s are no longer in production. Thankfully, Joyo makes a great clone of this Boss Ce-2 in the form of the Joyo Analog Chorus. They even have a similar baby blue color.
Suhr makes an incredible distortion pedal called the Riot. This is a very high-end pedal that in essence, gives you an extra gain stage or lead channel in the form of a pedal. The fact that this pedal is so heavily priced makes it out of reach for the guitar player on a budget.
Us Dream vs Suhr Riot
Fortunately, Joyo has created a more than a sufficient clone of this Suhr Riot pedal. However, this is not a direct clone as there are some differences between these two pedals. For example, the Suhr Riot comes with an extra voicing toggle switch. Which lets you switch between three different high gain distortion voices.
Having said that, the Joyo does one of these voices. And it does it very very well. The Joyo US Dream, as well as the Suhr Riot, are fantastic pedals to be used for lead tones. And, just like a natural overdriven tube amp responds to volume control, so will these two pedals. Essentially, they clean up really nicely.
Joyo Sweet Baby Overdrive Review: Clone Of Sweet Honey OD
When it comes to dynamic overdrive pedals, there are none more so as good as this Sweet Honey OD by Mad Professor, However, Joyo now has a pretty much exact clone of this OD. The Sweet Honey and Sweet Baby are pretty much mild overdrive pedals. What do I mean by Dynamic? Well, these pedals respond exceptionally well to the way in which you attack the string.
For example, playing lightly gives a less driven sound whilst digging into the strings will produce more drive. Furthermore, you can use the focus knob to set this dynamic. Setting the focus knob to full means the pedal will overdrive quicker. Whilst setting the focus knob at a lower setting means you have to play harder to get more drive. This is a great overdrive and Joyo make a fantastic clone of it.
Deluxe Crunch by Joyo is another pedal that is not a clone of anything. However, with this Deluxe crunch, we don’t have to guess what it is cloned after. Because the wonderful people over at Joyo have confirmed that this is, in fact, a pedal that has been designed by Joyo that is completely unique and not based or cloned off of another pedal. But, one thing that I do notice is that this Deluxe Crunch is quite similar sounding to the Classic Crunch also by Joyo which is a clone of the MI Audio Crunch.
Joyo Deluxe Crunch Clone
However, It is unfair to compare this pedal to another as I believe it is a great attempt from Joyo at making their own version of a pedal with their own upgrades. This Deluxe Crunch gives you more adjustability with a “Pre” knob, allowing you to get those classic British crunch tones.
I’ve never used a noise gate and never really investigated them to be completely honest. I am not very well equipped to talk about these pedals. However, I can confirm that this is not a direct clone of any other Noise Gate out there. But as far as functionality goes, it looks very reminiscent of the Decimator noise gate pedal. I know the Decimator is an exceptionally popular Noise Gate. So I would not be at all surprised if this Joyo noise gate was at the very least inspired by the Decimator Noise gate.
IronMan Series
Just by looking and hearing the effects from the 10 and 30 series, we can see Joyo make some of the best Chinese clone pedals. However, as I mentioned at the start of this list, there are essentially three series or ranges of pedals by Joyo. I’ve covered the 10 series clones as well as the 30 series clones already. But, did you know there is another series of pedals by Joyo called the Ironman series?
Initially, I was reluctant to add the Joyo Iron man pedals to this list of clones by Joyo. The reason I was hesitant is due to the fact that many of the pedals in the Ironman series are either smaller versions of pedals from the 10 & 30 series. Whilst many other Joyo Ironman pedals are their own thing and not copies or clones. However, there are indeed pedals in the Ironman series that are clones. Or, have drawn inspiration from original pedals. I must note that there is no official confirmation that these are the exact clones/copies. Some of them are quite obviously clones, whilst others aren’t as obvious.
Joyo Ironman Series Of MiniClones And Originals
For that reason, I’ll take a look at which pedals the Ironman series are clones, copies, originals or draw inspiration from other pedals. The major feature of this series is the pedals small size as well as the knob covers. The small size of these pedals makes them a fantastic addition to an already clustered or cramped pedalboard.
The only downside to the Ironman pedals is that they can’t run off a 9v battery. Only a power supply. Another thing I realized is that they’re a bit on the higher side in terms of price when compared to the 10 and 30 series. However, they definitely still fall into the budget category of pedals. For the pedals that are smaller versions of clones from other series, I haven’t written much of a review as they’ve been covered above in the 10 series and 30 series.
Something I almost forgot to mention is that the Ironman series of the pedal from Joyo all come fitted with covers to protect the knobs from being bumped. This is something I find necessary, especially for pedals of a smaller size. But even despite that, it’s just a great feature that lets you keep your exact settings without them being moved around from travel as well as use. They can also be used with coupler patch cables so that you can save space on your pedalboard.
Xotic effects are the manufacturer of the BB Preamp. I would definitely consider this pedal to be on the high end of the pedal spectrum. The Ironman AT drive is a smaller and cheaper clone of this BB preamp. Both the Joyo and the AT drive will produce a warm overdrive (think Eric Clapton in the Cream era) with a bump in the midrange.
Whilst the Joyo AT drive is a sufficient clone, I think the BB preamp does it in better style and sounds slightly better. A nice application of this pedal is to use it on an amp like a Fender Deluxe Reverb. Just to give it push and a nice blues guitar tone.
Joyo Blue Rain Clone Of Marshall Bluesbreaker Pedal
Bluesbreaker is both an amplifier as well as a pedal produced by Marshall. However, in this instance, I’m comparing the Joyo Blue rain to that of the Marshall Blues breaker pedal. Both the Bluesbreaker and the Blue rain are overdrive pedals that aim to replicate the sound of an amplifier that is breaking up (about to go into overdrive) with a wide-open sound void of much compression.
This is a classic sound used in blues music. Hence, all the names of “blue” going on here. Marshall does make a modern version of the vintage Bluesbreaker. However, I’d say this Blue rain is more of a clone of the older Bluesbreakers.
As far as I understand, the Bullet Metal pedal by Joyo is not a clone of any other pedal. I could be wrong about this. But, as I’ve mentioned before I’m not well-equipped to talk about metal pedals. Let me know in the comments below if you’ve used this pedal and what you think. An epic feature on the Bullet Metal by Joyo that I noticed is that it has a noise gate built into it which is fully controllable. To me, that sounds like a really cool feature (providing it does not such the life out of your tone which is prone to happen when using bad noise gate pedals).
The future chorus pedal, part of the iron man series is a smaller version of the Joyo analog chorus part of the 30 series., Which, is a clone of the Boss CE-2. I won’t mention much more about this as I already have discussed this quite extensively as part of the 30 series. Check out the video below which compares the Joyo Future chorus to the Boss CE-2 chorus pedal. You’ll notice that although they sound similar, the Joyo Future chorus actually has an extra knob that allows you to adjust the level of the effect. Something that the old Boss CE-2 does not have. If I must be completely honest, I prefer the sound to the Boss version. But, for a mini-sized pedal like this one, it’s pretty hard to go wrong.
The Joyo Gate of Kahn is a noise gate part of the Ironman series. I couldn’t find out much about this pedal in terms of if it is a clone or not. Let’s just say that this Gate Of Kahn is probably its own original thing. If noise is a problem in your rig, then adding a noise gate could definitely help solve that problem. Although I’ve never used a noise gate as the higher gain territory has never been explored by me. Despite this, If I were to get one, this would probably be my first choice because, for a pedal that does one thing, the size is better when smaller in this scenario
I managed to find out that this Joyo Green Legend is a clone of the Tubescreamer. That much was pretty obvious to me given the name, color, and the sound. However, unlike the Vintage Overdrive by Joyo in the 10 series which is noted as being a clone of the TS808. This Green legend does not specify which exact Tubescreamer is it a clone of. To my ear though, it sounds to me just like the Vintage Overdrive which would be a TS-808 clone.
This Husky drive, much like the 10 series Ultimate Drive, is a clone of the Fulltone OCD overdrive pedal. But, what makes the Husky Drive cool is that it is much smaller in size. Meaning you can get those killer tones from this pedal without cramping your pedal board. To read more about this Joyo OCD clone, scroll above to the 10 series where I discuss it a bit more in-depth.
Joyo Irontune Clone Of Korg Pitchblack?
This is a total guess and shot in the dark. Just by looking at the display, it reminds me of the Korg but is most likely its very own thing. I really like that this is a small tuner pedal. Often tuner pedals are the same size as regular stompboxes. Which is quite annoying. Tuner pedals should be a staple of every single pedalboard. But this Irontune proves they don’t have to be so big.
Little Blaster pedal by Joyo is a smaller version of the Crunch distortion (in the 10 series). Furthermore, is a clone of the MI Audio Crunch Box. See the 10 series for more on this pedal.
Can’t seem to find anything about this Ironman Joyo Metal Head being a clone of anything. My best guess that this is its own thing and an original pedal. According to the people over at Joyo, this Metal Head can emulate the sound of a 100-watt High-gain tube amplifier. The versatile Metal Head will deliver classic metal lead tones as well as thick rhythm tones.
Now, investigating this Joyo Molo-Trem, I see no mention at all of the fact that it is a clone of the Boss TR-2 Tremolo pedal. But, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to notice that not only do the colors of the Boss TR-2 and the Joyo Molo-Trem match. But, they also feature pretty much identical control knobs in the form of Rate, Depth, and Wave. Exactly the same configuration can be found on the Boss tremolo.
Someone, please tell me what this Old School pedal is a clone of? Seriously I need to know. Just joking but one thing I know for sure is that this is a massive yet transparent-sounding distortion pedal that sounds wide open but tames at the adjustment of your volume knob. The more I mess around with this Joyo Old School distortion, the more I start to realize it is probably not a clone. Having said that, It definitely draws inspiration from those Eddie Van Halen as well as Randy Rhodes tones (think Marshall stack amp pushed by an MXR Distortion + or the Peavey 5150). Someone help me out here!
Modulation is not complete without a phaser effect. What better way of adding this effect to your pedalboard in this tiny enclosure with an array of parameters to play with. It would seem as though this Nebulous Phaser by Joyo is not a clone of any phaser pedal.
Most other phaser pedals on the market, usually have fewer controls in comparison to the Joyo. However, the Joyo Nebulous phase allows you to not only adjust the Speed. But, you can also adjust the feedback as well as the width. Thus, you’re able to achieve a wider variety of phaser effects. Especially when you compare it to phasers with a single knob.
Joyo Iron Loop Clone Of Ditto Looper TC Electronics
I think it would be safe to say that the Joyo Iron loop is a clone of the TC Electronics Ditto Looper. There’s no confirmation of this. However, The Ditto looper by TC Electronics was the first compact loop that came out with a single “level” control knob. Well, at least to my knowledge it was the first loop pedal to do that. The Iron Loop pedal by Joyo seems to copy this simple layout of the TC Ditto loop. More on the Ditto Loop here
Once again, we have an Ironman pedal from Joyo without any confirmation of it being a clone of an original pedal. But, all one has to do is look really close at the controls of this Ocho octave pedal, to see that they are identical to that of the Boss OC-2. Therefore, I think it is very safe to conclude that the Joyo Ocho is a clone of the Boss OC-2 octave pedal. Both pedals feature the same knob configuration. Which includes:
No information regarding the Joyo Pipebomb being a clone seems to be around. This is still a pretty nifty pedal used to both compresses as well as sustain. Can even be used as a boost if tweaked and dialed in correctly. But is it safe to say the Joyo Pipebomb is not a clone of anything? Possibly, however, when I come to think of it, this pedal seems to draw some inspiration from the Boss CS-3. However, the controls differ slightly.
Joyo Purple Storm Clone Of Jimi Hendrix Fuzzface??
I’d be lying if I said the Purple Storm was a clone of the Jimi Hendrix Fuzzface. But, I’m very sure that this Joyo Purple Storm draws a lot of inspiration from that very pedal.
The “Purple” in its name along with the unmistakeable Henrdix-esque tones from this pedal lead me to believe it is based on something very similar. Whilst the Hendrix fuzzface only has two controls (Fuzz and Volume), the Joyo Purple Storm has 3 controls. Including, Fuzz, Volume as well as a separate Bias knob.
Seems like the Joyo Quattro is not a clone of anything. Having said that, it does seem to be quite a versatile delay pedal. As it combines 4 delays/modulation effects in one pedal. These include:
Analog delay (much like the 10 series green delay)
Copy (Which is like a repetitive digital delay)
Modulation (Kind of on the phaser ish side of things whilst still maintaining a delay feel with feedback and some decay)
Filter (very unique sound)
My go-to versatile delay pedal is usually always the EHX memory boy but that is quite a big pedal. SO I might find myself replacing it with this Joyo.
Whilst the clone of the Joyo Raptor Flanger is unknown. To me, I feel it lies somewhere in between the old Boss BF-2 flangers and the Electro-Harmonix Deluxe mistress. So I guess you can say that the Raptor flanger is its own unique flanger pedal, drawing inspiration from class flangers such as the Boss and the Electro-Harmonix pedals. This Joyo Ironman series flanger pedal gets really good reviews from those who use and own this pedal.
Another Xotic clone by Joyo. This time, in the form of the Rated Boost. The rated boost clones to ever popular RC Booster by Xotic. This is one of those boosts that doesn’t necessarily provide more overdrive, but rather a boost to your signal. Making pretty much everything you play sound awesome.
It’s also one of those pedals that won’t make much of a difference when on. But as soon as you turn it off, you can hear and feel something missing. I don’t own the RC boost but from what I hear, the Joyo is a good and cheaper alternative. But does not beat the sound from the actual RC Booster.
Carrying on our Xotic effects trend. Here we have the Joyo Wild Boost pedal. Which is a clone of the AC booster by Xotic. Unlike the RC Booster which is a clean boost, this AC Booster (and Joyo Wild Boost) boosts your signal with the option of adding more gain and getting your tone/amp to overdrive a bit more.
The space verb is a pedal from Joyo that is not a clone of anything. Still a pretty versatile reverb pedal though. that provides you with 4 essential types of reverb from one bite-sized effects pedal. The Joyo space verb has:
Church Reverb
Hall Reverb
Room Reverb
I can’t think of any other types of reverb that would be more essential than these above. Luckily they come packed in this epic little reverb unit by Joyo.
Joyo Time Magic Clone Of Unknown??
Joyo JF-304 Time Magic Delay Pedal
Original Unknown
Joyo seems to have a secretive thing going on with their delays. Whereby none seem to know what they are clones or what they are based on. This, Time Magic pedal is a perfect example of one of those delays.
However, whilst it is not a direct clone, it does seem to be based on the Joyo Analog delay reviewed above in the 10 series. Only, this comes in a smaller, more compact pedal. My best guess regarding this as a clone would have to be the Ibanez AD-9 as the controls as well as the delay time available match.
Wow-Wah by Joyo is an Automatic Wah-Wah effects pedal part of this ironman series of mini pedals. Whilst there is no confirmation nor information regarding this Joyo being a clone, I would say that it definitely draws some inspiration from the Boss Auto Wah (Aw-2). Which is the old Auto ah from Boss. However, the Joyo Wow-Wah is still a little bit different and provides a very decent auto-wah effect with a wide spectrum of tonal capabilities.
Looking into the Joyo Wooden sound, it is very hard to find a pedal that this could be a clone of. The closest thing I can think of is the Boss Acoustic Simulator. However, this Wooden sound is its own unique pedal. Simulating the acoustic guitar is one of the hardest effects to get right. And Joyo has hit the nail on the head with this Acoustic Sim. Whilst Acoustic Simulators will of course never really sound like the real thing. This is about as close as it gets to achieving a well rounded acoustic tone from your electric guitar by the stomp of a switch.
Ironman Amp Simulators
Just like with the Chinese clone pedal 10 Series by Joyo features some amp simulator/preamp pedals. So does the Ironman series. Only this time these incredible preamps/amp simulators come in the same tiny size as the rest of the Ironman pedals. Furthermore, Joyo has added a few new amp simulators to this range that aren’t featured in the 10 series. The Joyo Ironman amp simulator clone list is as follows:
Boogie Master – Simulates the sound of the high gain Mesa Boogie amplifiers
Clean Glass – Simulates the sound of the Fender Blackface amps (think Deluxe reverb)
Orange Juice – Simulates the sound of Orange Amplifiers
Golden Face – Simulates the sound of the Marshall Plexi amplifiers
Rushing Train – Simulates the sound of the classic Vox AC30
There’s no doubt this Power supply 4 by Joyo is a clone of the Voodoo Labs PS. However, there seems to be quite a lot of confusion surrounding whether or not this Joyo is in face truly isolated. The Voodoo Labs power supply most certainly provides truly isolated outputs. And whilst this power Supply 4 claims to have isolated outputs. The consensus that I have heard is that this is not true isolation. However, this is not confirmed. If you’re wondering if this is still a good power supply, I would 100% say YES it is. Despite apparently not being truly isolated, I’ve yet to experience unbearable noise. So, for the price in compassion tot eh Voodoo labs it is hard to go wrong. If you’re the type of person obsessed with their power supply (no disrespect, I totally understand), then this is probably not the choice for as it might be worth forking out the extra for the Voodoo Labs.
Power Supply 2 by Joyo is a PS that does not seem to be a clone of anything original that I’ve seen. Having said that, I’ve seen many other Chinese clone pedal companies that have a very similar model, just with different branding, to this Joyo Power Supply 2. As a matter of fact, If I must be honest, this is the power supply that I have on my pedalboard. It’s been with me since 2014 and hasn’t let me down since.
Hey, fellow guitar mate! I’m Justin, I have been a professional guitarist since 2012. I have traveled the world playing on different stages alongside some of the best indie bands, at some of the biggest music festivals in the world. As a result, I’ve played lots of different guitar gear. Instead of keeping that knowledge to myself, I have set up this site to share my honest reviews of various guitar gear. But most notably, my love for guitar picks.